Saturday, July 21, 2012

Givens Summer Update!

I am not a great blogger. It would be easier to blog while my kids are napping or late at night, but I find it to be the time to fold laundry, clean house, etc. So, I'll try to update you on all that has taken place in our lives these past several weeks and of course with some pics. We left at the end of June to go to Virginia to attend the Conference Of Evangelizing Black America (COEBA  - and for my hubby to stand before an ordination council. Part of me was hoping that it would be somewhat of a vacation because of all that we had to do to prepare for the trip, but it was not so. It was hard for us to leave the work and go away for any amount of time. Yet, it was a busy and purposeful-filled trip. The conference was great and a blessing. Pastor Bud Calvert preached a wonderful message to encourage the hearts of all in the ministry. Pastor Micheal Baldwin also preached a phenomenal message titled "Breaking Your Box" - whatever your box may be. There were many other messages that blessed my heart.

The last day of the conference, my husband stood in front of a dozen of pastors for 2 1/2 hours answering questions. I thought it would never end and was on the edge of my seat the whole time. The Lord blessed....the council recommended him to be ordain and I am thankful to God for His goodness. That chapter of our lives is now over and we are so thankful for that.

The Lord also saw it fit to allow our youngest James to turn "2". I'm not sure what to say about that, I cannot say that he is becoming a "big boy" because he is a big 2 year old (lol). I cannot say that I must prepare myself for the terrible twos because there's no terrible twos with James....he is just James (those of you who know him will understand what I mean)!  I am sure glad thankful to God that he is well, healthy & active little boy. He is a comedian and loves to perform. Yet, he can be the sweetest little boy (especially with his hugs and kisses). I am thankful for all my rugrats. Speaking of all my rugrats, well, the Lord has also decided to bless us with another little one....#4. I cannot believe that He is this good to us. When I think of the the number of women who want to be a mom, I am speechless on God's goodness to our family. My concern now is which prayer will God answer....Micah is praying for a baby boy & Abbie is praying for a baby girl.

By the way, the Lord blessed the work in our absence. We are now averaging an attendance of 16 (including in our absence). We are also seeing souls saved in the services. Please continue to pray for us. We have many needs, but one major need is for a portable baptistery. We know the Lord will take care of His children and His work! We also returned to NOLA with a young man (Zechariah Butts) who is here to help us for a couple weeks. He has been an enormous blessing to us, especially my husband. In addition, the Lord has added a young family (Aaron & Vivian Smith) to our church. God is so good and knows just what we need. I'll tell you more about them at another time.

Well, here are some pics from these past few weeks. Enjoy!
Saw my li'l brother, Jacques, on our way to Virginia

Kids with Uncle & Auntie Cindy

At Chuck-E-Cheese for James' birthday

Eating cupcakes for James birthday on the streets of Norfollk, VA

Micah (white & blue) singing in COEBA Kids - Past. Kenny Baldwin leading.

Football lover & cowboy James doing some serious thinking.

The Givens & Leakes Kids (friends from Oklahoma)
Two special princesses, Hannah Leake & My Abbie

Friend Shamica, son Vincent, my Abbie & I at dinner

Laying of the hands/prayer at Ordination Service

Talk to ya another time....

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your pregnancy! So excited that the church is doing well. :)
