Friday, February 24, 2012

Beyond My Expectation Once Again!

I'm sure you've heard me say this before, but, we have been holding Bible study in our home since the end of January (I think). Well, we started off with 3 people, then 4, then 2. It went back up to 4 and then dropped down to 1. That following service, it was just us. Boy that was hard! Then for the following services, it was us except for one other time when we had 1. Part of me started getting used to it being us and hearing my kiddos ask me if anyone is coming to "our church" tonight. I would reply the same thing "we pray that someone will come." I would tell them that, but not truly believing that the Lord will bless. So this past Monday and Tuesday, we were at a conference in Baton Rouge during Mardi Gras celebration in NOLA. Our time there was what we needed...a great encouragement to us. One of the message that spoke to me was out of Judges 20 on not allowing your handicap stop you in the work of God. In vs 16, the 700 Benjamite didn't allow their lefthanded handicap stop them from going out to battle. You might be thinking...what does this have to do with your Bible study? Well, I know that I have some handicaps (i.e. excuses) that I have allowed to keep me from doing all that I can for the Lord. That Wednesday, Brent set out to go pick up people who have said that they would come as usual and as always I asked him to call if he picks up someone. We knew that there was a great possibility (80%) that one would come. I started doubting as I've done before, then I decided to go ask the Lord and believing Him for at least that one person to come. Brent didn't call me, so I called him. When he picked up the phone, he said "I just picked up Larry and I am on my way to someone else's house." I thought "praise the Lord, thank you for answering my prayer!"  The story does not end here. When Brent returned home, he walked in with 3 other people behind him. The Lord blessed once again beyond my expectation!! It was a great service and the message was just what we all needed.

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